Cyborg Wars Can Be A Very Big Threat For Humanity
The cybernetic organisms of human and robot mix, in other words the Cyborg, will be one of the most discussed topics of the near future.
The number of writings on Cyborg warriors is growing, as is the article recently published in The Atlantic about the? Pentagon wants to arm the brain Bilim. People who are aware of this great danger are focused on Cyborg fighters to raise awareness of other people. Journalist Michael Joseph Gross explained that the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) wanted to produce leri combining minds and machines 19
. When these electrode arrays are placed in the brain, they can receive electrical signals and transmit them to nerve tissues. Gross also says that the robot feet developed by DARPA for the walking of veterans who have walking problems are in fact a work for Cyborg fighters.
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Permanent damage caused by these electrodes, which are thought to provide brain control, is another danger. The New Yorker writer Raffi Khatchadourian, in one of his articles, talked about the work of brain implant researcher Andrew Schwartz. Schwodz paralyzed patient Jan Scheuermann'a attached to the robotic arm in the first stage to fulfill the function of Khatchadourian said, the electrodes placed in the brain after a while caused a fatal brain infection.
The fact that the brain implants previously used in the treatment of depression and other psychiatric disorders create frustration, showing that scientists still cannot solve how the brain encodes information. This is proof that the implants to be applied at the moment can be dangerous.
The fact that companies like Google, Facebook and Neuralink recruit former DARPA employees shows that these giant companies are also interested in the Cyborg. Although these companies say that their goal is to enable users to control computers with the power of thought, if Cyborg is to produce warriors, these companies will have great power.
DARPA’s Damage to the Mind New Wheel and Suspension Technology (Video)
Research shows that most people in the world see war as inevitable. If Cyborg warriors are produced by the time of war, humanity may have to deal with very big problems as it is today. We will see whether this will happen.
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Cyborg Wars Can Be A Very Big Threat For Humanity
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