Apple to Block Users Fraudulent Applications

Apple will block applications that try to trick users with the subscription and pricing system that it offers.

We’ve all come across fraudulent applications that try to trick us with small articles that we can’t read. Apple here wants to put an end to this fraud. The company has renewed the App Store manual. The most striking item in this revision is that pricing is pretty clear.

Application developers have to explain to users how to manage or cancel their applications and how the free version works. In addition, developers will not be able to keep fees for the following months. The conditions will be in the same place as the application screen and cannot be hidden at the bottom.


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It is not clear whether these developments will turn into strict sanctions in the subscription rules, but as companies move towards the subscription system, this system will have a more important role in revenue after that, and will provide users with a more honest, consistent experience.


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Apple to Block Users Fraudulent Applications


Apple to Block Users Fraudulent Applications
